Your Daily Prayer

July 1, 2022 Your Daily Prayer for New Month


July 1, 2022 Your Daily Prayer for New Month

Welcome to New Month Daily Prayer for 1st July 2022 (Friday) – A Prayer for Work. May the Lord bless you as you study and pray!


A Prayer for Work By Emma Danzey

BIBLE VERSE: Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

As we continue to be faithful and diligent in the careers and positions God has provided, it is good to be reminded that we do not work for men, but for the Lord. Colossians reminds us that whatever we do, whether that be a mailman, a hair stylist, a physician, or a teacher, we do this job for the glory of God. We work at it with all of our hearts. When we know that our work is a calling and a mission field for Christ, we are much more likely to be grateful and positive even in the mundane and difficulties within the work. Challenges arise for everyone, but when we have the light of Christ, He gives us the opportunities to reveal His love and existence.

Whether you are so thankful for your line of work, you are just starting out, you are praying for a job, or you are barely surviving a difficult environment, God can use you where you are. This is not a waste, this is a calling for this season in your life. He can stretch our faith, increase our joy, and use us as His witnesses to those around us of the gospel.

July 1, 2022 Your Daily Prayer for New Month

Let’s Pray:

Our Lord,

Thank you that You are our Provider. Thank you that even though work can be tiring or difficult, that You created us to work and designed us to be purposeful with our time. We pray over our days ahead, that we may glorify You and celebrate Your goodness each day. Help us to choose gratitude to unlock joy in the mundane. It is only by Your strength that we can accomplish this. We praise you for the jobs that us or our loved ones are praying for that have not yet come.

Thank you for nos that lead to yeses. We ask that you would answer these requests for employment and provide for these people in amazing ways. For those in damaging or unhealthy work environments, Lord help them to stand strong and live out their faith in the fire. We pray that You would provide a way out into a better work atmosphere. In the meantime though, help them to walk by the Spirit and trust in You.

God, You say in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” We pray that all of the tasks and goals that we set are in line with Your will. We ask that You would help us in whatever we are doing. Please establish our plans. Guide us in decision making. Give us discernment and wisdom. Lead us to people who are wise counselors of You. Help us to make beneficial choices for our families and our lives. Guide us in work and rest balance. Help work to never be an idol in our lives. Help us to remember that You are our provider and help us not to worship money.

Lord, You tell us in 1 Corinthians 16:14, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” Help us to stand firm. Help us to be anchored in You. Strengthen us to be firmly founded on the Rock. Allow us to let nothing move us. Help us to give ourselves fully to the work that You call us to do. Remind us that our labor is not in vain when it is done for You. Thank you that our work can be of eternal value and that we can celebrate Your movement in our every day.

Father, we praise You for your great kindness to us. Thank you for enabling us and providing work for us. Help us to see our every day with spiritual eyes to remember that You are the purpose for what we do. Remind us to represent You well in all things and to offer this area of our lives to You as a witness of Your love. Amen.

July 1, 2022 Your Daily Prayer for New Month (Friday)

July 1, 2022 Your Daily Prayer for New Month

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