Joel Osteen Daily Devotional

Joel Osteen Inspirational Message & Declaration 7th October 2023


Joel Osteen Inspirational Message & Declaration 7th October 2023

Welcome to Joel Osteen Today’s Inspirational Messages and Declaration for Saturday 7 October 2023. God bless you as you study!


When God finishes restoring, nothing will be missing. The beauty of our God is even when we make mistakes, even when we bring the trouble on ourselves, God doesn’t say, “Too bad, I would restore you, if you would perform better. I would help you if you were more committed.” God is full of mercy. When we get off course, the moment we turn back to Him, He comes running toward us, not in judgment but in mercy.

There are seasons of waiting, times when we’re not seeing any progress. We have to endure and do the right thing when nothing is changing. Pass those tests. But remember, as God carries you, you’re also going to come into these moments of favor where He catapults you ahead. You may have a situation now that you don’t see how it’s going to resolve. How you’re going to accomplish a dream, how you’re going to get well. It’s been so long. You don’t know what God is up to. What you think is going to take your whole lifetime, God’s going to do a quick work. It’s going to happen in a fraction of the time.

Declaration For Today
God, today I declare that You are bigger than any problem I have or anything that is trying to stop me. I will guard my heart against negative thoughts, and I will keep my eyes on You. I declare that just as You flung stars into space, spoke worlds into existence, and parted the Red Sea, You will take care of me. You can handle anything that comes against me. I declare that I will be still and know that You are God.

Joel Osteen Inspirational 7th October 2023 Message

Listen now to this message from Joel, “Fast Forward”:


Prayer for Today
Dear Lord, Thank You that my happiness is not based on my circumstances. As I open my eyes each morning, help me to choose joy, faith, and happiness. Remind me that each day is a gift, and I get to decide how to unwrap it. Let me say, “Today, I choose to be happy. I choose to see the good, and I’m thankful. I will show love to my family and friends and savor every moment.” Don’t allow me to let my troubles decide how I live, Lord. When I’m stuck in traffic, when things feel tough, help me remember that You’re in control. If I dwell on the difficulties, I’m choosing my problems over Your promises. But You tell me, “Joy comes in the morning,” and I believe that. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, thinking I’m not worthy or things are too hard, help me to say, “Life isn’t perfect, but God, You are. You guide my steps. Your plans for me are good. I will embrace this day with joy.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Joel Osteen Inspirational Message & Declaration 7th October 2023

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