Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional

Joyce Meyer Devotional for 23rd November 2020 – Intimacy Brings Freedom


Joyce Meyer Devotional for 23rd November 2020 – Intimacy Brings Freedom

You are reading Today Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional for Monday 23rd November 2020 written by Joyce Meyer to inspire you. God bless you as you obey His word.


SCRIPTURE: …I do nothing of Myself (of My own accord or on My own authority), but I say [exactly] what My Father has taught Me. — John 8:28 (AMPC)

Today’s Word On Joyce Meyer Devotional for 23rd November 2020

I have asked God on several occasions what He wanted me to do in specific situations and He has responded, “Do whatever you want to do.” The first time I heard Him say that, I was afraid to believe God would give me that kind of liberty, but I now know He gives more and more freedom to us as we grow and mature spiritually.

As I thought about this, I realized the same principle is true with my own children. When they were young and inexperienced, I made all their decisions for them. As they got more mature, I let them do more of what they wanted to do. They had been around Dave and me for a long time and were beginning to know our hearts. Now all four of our children are grown, and most of the time they do what they want to do and rarely ever offend us because they know our hearts and act accordingly.

After we walk with God for a number of years, we get to know His heart, His character, and His ways. If we are committed to following them, He can give us greater liberty because we have become “one” with Him. As we grow spiritually, we desire more and more to honor God and reflect His heart in everything we do. Our spirits become filled with His Spirit, and our desires begin to merge with His.

In the verse for today, we read that Jesus does and says only what the Father has taught Him. I want to encourage you to go after that kind of oneness with God. When you’re walking in that, you, too, will do nothing of your own accord, or out of your own desires and strength, but your intimacy with God will be so great that your desires become one with His.

Prayer Starter: FFather, please bring me so close to You that our desires start to become one and the same. Thank You for showing me Your heart in each situation, and for giving me grace to make godly decisions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Joyce Meyer Devotional for 23rd November 2020 - Intimacy Brings Freedom

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