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June 3, 2022 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

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June 3, 2022 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

Welcome to Your Daily Prayer for Today, Friday 3rd June 2022 – A Prayer to Wage War on Distraction. May the Lord bless you as you study His Word!


A Prayer to Wage War on Distraction By Chelsey DeMatteis

BIBLE VERSE: “He will be our peace.” – Micah 5:5

Over the last few years, we’ve watched the war waged against us and our children through our inability to shut off technology. Studies have shown us it not only has technology grown anxiety issues, destroyed marriages, squandered true vulnerability, watered down the way we have relationships, and one of the biggest impacts of all, taken childhood from children. It’s changed the way parents parent – even Christian parents. It’s turned many into less intentional, self-serving, and reliant on “things” of this world people, rather than parents who cling to God’s great commands and design for those who have been given the high calling of training up children.

I speak this all with conviction. Technology has become a cop-out, the cry of depraved hearts who want to serve themselves. While yes, there are some good things that come from it, the bad I believe far outweighs the good. I find that the most destructive area technology has fallen in has been the God-gifted time He has given us with our children. Many of us have fallen in and out of this vicious cycle, only to find ourselves knee-deep in the broken hearts of seeing we chose our want for quiet over engaging with them.

One afternoon as I popped my son in the car, we got about 10 minutes into a not-so-long car ride, and I noticed I left the movie player at home. “Shoot,” I said quickly, hoping a tear-filled ride was not to come, I just wanted peace. In the next moment, I had a great awakening, a God awakening.

It was the kind of awakening that takes place when the Lord has been knocking at the door of my heart while I’ve pridefully been choosing not to listen. Well that afternoon, it all changed. While I was panicking that my peace would be disrupted, my son started talking to me about everything he was seeing out the windows. It was a non-stop flow of what the trees looked like and asking what the signs meant. He was telling me about all the animals, and all the precious things I’d been missing when I chose to create “my peace” over God’s desires for motherhood.

You see, we’ve somehow bought into the lie that we can manufacture peace. That peace somehow looks like giving our children something to keep them quiet. The enemy has fed the lie that peace means no disruptions or distractions. A lie that most homes around the world have bought into. I pray today, that your heart and mine will agree that we cannot do this anymore. We need to learn what God’s peace looks like and live from that as we steward our children!

Thanks for reading June 3, 2022 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

June 3, 2022 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

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