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MFM Daily Devotional Today 20th March 2021 Online – Effectual Prayer

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MFM Daily Devotional Today 20th March 2021 Online – Effectual Prayer

You are reading MFM Daily Devotional Online for Today Saturday 20th March 2021; written by Pastor D.K Olukoya. May you be blessed as you read on.




The words “effectual” and “fervent” are translated from one Greek word (energeo) from which we get the English word “energy”. Here it denotes an energetic, operative prayer. As God’s children, we must not be contented with weak prayers. We must desire to have an enthusiastic, effective prayer life. The church, known as “the house of prayer” must be exuding with effective prayer of God’s saints.

We may be short on financial resources or weak in our physical strength or despised and ridiculed by those who are hostile towards the biblical doctrines that we hold on to, but the power of prayer belongs to us. The key to effective prayers is not that very large group of people get together to pray or that a particular pattern or style of prayer meeting is followed, or that we hold very lengthy prayer meetings.

Though some of those aspects of prayer are good and desirable, the effectiveness of our prayer is connected to the sanctity of our lives. Interestingly, when the Holy Spirit inspired James to provide an illustration of such prayer, he chose Elijah, whose prayers God had used to demonstrate His mighty power.

“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit” (James 5:16-18). James’ point was that, although Elijah’s mighty prayers and exploits were legendary, he was also a man of frailties and flaws.

This was never so obvious than when after being used to display God’s power to Ahab, the wicked idolater and king of Israel, Elijah then recoiled in fear and fled from the threats of Jezebel, Ahab’s wife. He actually crawled under a juniper tree where he asked the Lord to take his life (1 Kings 19:2-4).

How can we make sense of such embarrassing behaviour from this mighty man of God, whose prayers God used to control the weather for more than three years? This was the same man who called fire down from Heaven, and who destroyed four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. The simple explanation is that Elijah was human. He was a mere mortal, whose prayers God used in awesome and astonishing ways.

Thus, James’ message is clear. If God could hear and answer the passionate faith-filled prayers of Elijah, a common man “with a nature like ours,” He can likewise hear and answer yours and mine. The Lord is eager to answer the effectual, fervent prayers of ordinary, but righteous followers of Jesus Christ! Beloved, ensure that your prayer is word-based and you will receive speedy answers from God.

Memory Verse: James 5:16b. – The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Motivational Quote: The hour of prayer is the hour of power.

Prophetic Word: I prophesy to you today, you shall not pray amiss, in the name of Jesus.

HYMN: Spend A Moment In Prayer With The Saviour

1. Spend a moment in pray’r with the Saviour,
When the pathway is lonely and long;
He will turn all the shadows to sunshine,
And your sorrow and sighing to song.

Moment praying to the dear Saviour,
Burden is so heavy to bear;
Then your burdens of care will be lifted,
Spend a moment with Jesus a moment in pray’r.

2. Spend a moment in pray’r with the Saviour,
When the tempter is lingering near;
He will give you His strength in your weakness,
And His love light will fill you with cheer.

1. Powe rs making my pr ay e rs ineffectual, die, in the name of Jesus
2. Powers making me weak spiritually and morally in prayers, die, in the name of Jesus
3. Father, give me an unquenchable appetite for prayer, in the name of Jesus.

1. Father, I ask for the grace to be a person of prayer, in the name of Jesus
2. Open my eyes to behold wondrous things out of prayer, Lord, in the name of Jesus.
3. Help me, Father, to maintain effectual prayer life, in the name of Jesus
4. Baptise me afresh with the spirit of prayer, Father, in the name Jesus.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deut. 28 – 29

Thank you for reading Today’s MFM Daily Devotional Today 20th March 2021 Online – Effectual Prayer by Pastor D.K Olukoya. God bless you!

MFM Daily Devotional 19th March 2021 – Power Of Faithfulness

MFM Daily Devotional Today 20th March 2021 Online - Effectual Prayer

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