Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer 7 June 2022 | Bible Verse And Inspiration


Morning Prayer 7 June 2022 | Bible Verse And Inspiration

Welcome to Tuesday Morning Prayer with Bible Verse and Inspiration for 7th June 2022. May the Lord bless you through this morning prayer, Amen!


Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. – Isaiah 6:5

Having this vision and seeing how holy God is, Isaiah panicked. Isaiah is unworthy. He is sinful and dirty in comparison to the greatness of God. He dwells and lives among other humans who are just as sinful. Have you ever experienced a similar realization? God is so good, and by contrast You are worse than dirt.

God is great, and none can measure up to Him. Isaiah is worried about His state of being. What can He do? How can He bear to stand before a God so pure and holy when Isaiah is not? We see in the next two verses that God purifies Him.

Lord, I am not worthy to stand ir Your presence. I am not worthy to untie Your shoes or wash Your feet. You are indescribably good. I am nothing compared to Your glory. I am so prideful. I can go about thinking things revolve around me, that I’m important, and that I am awesome. I am not awesome, Only You are awesome. I have broken Your law. I could not keep them. Only You are able to do that. I confess my sins to You in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer 7 June 2022 | Bible Verse And Inspiration

Morning Prayer 7 June 2022 | Bible Verse And Inspiration

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