Girlfriends in God Devotional

Girlfriends In God 4 August 2022 Devotional | Blessings and Prosperity


Girlfriends In God 4 August 2022 Devotional | Blessings and Prosperity

Read and Meditate on Today’s Girlfriends In God Daily Devotional for Thursday 4th August 2022, written by Mary Southerland. God bless you as you study!


Today’s Topic: Blessings and Prosperity by Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth
Blessed are all who fear the lord, who walk in His ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor. Blessings and prosperity will be yours (Psalm 128:1-2 NIV).

Friend to Friend
My husband Brad and I were the poster kids for financial stewardship. Larry Burkett junkies and cash-budget-nerds from the day we exchanged our vows. Thirteen years into marriage, we got a bit unsatisfied with our bank numbers and borrowed to invest in several lots of land.

The plan? Flip them for a quick and hefty profit. Change the bank numbers. Secure our financial future.

Our intentions were sincere. Brad wanted to be able to retire from corporate by the age of 50 so he could join me in full time ministry. Surely God would bless and prosper such a noble mission, right?

Yes. He did. By allowing us to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and endure excruciating years of class action lawsuits, private shame, and debt.

We lost a lot – and it hurt bad – but we gained prosperity in wisdom and character as the Lord refined our hearts. The lessons we learned in the darkness of our financial struggles are now priceless treasures.

God taught us to pay our debts, to do right things even when it hurts, and to trust Him in the fire of hardship.

There are some in Western Christian culture that promise unicorns and rainbows to those who follow Christ… implying that the “good” God intends for your life is void of conflict, loss, sickness, and financial hardship. You’ve heard them… “If you don’t receive that job or the healing you’re praying for, then you simply don’t have enough faith.” “Visualize it and it will come to pass.” “God wants you to be happy, healthy and wealthy!”


The psalmist wrote in Psalm 128:1-2, “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor. Blessings and prosperity will be yours” (Psalm 128:1-2, NIV). In the ESV translation, that final line reads, “It shall be well with you.”

Wise king Solomon wrote, “He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor” (Proverbs 21:21).

Prosperity is found when we walk in God’s ways and revere Him.

When we immerse ourselves in the righteousness and love of God.

When we rest in His sovereignty and align our behaviors to Biblical principles.

Spoiler alert: unicorns don’t exist and there’s not a pot of gold at the end of each faith rainbow. The secret to a prosperous life isn’t found in comfort, perfect health, and luxury. The secret to a prosperous life is found in loving and fearing the Lord, obeying, and walking in the ways of His Word, and yielding continually to His Spirit within you.

Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, You are good and generous. Help me to honor You and walk in Your ways today, tomorrow and every day. Give me a passion for righteousness and empower me to love You and others well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn
What would it look like for you to be prosperous today? What are some ways you can tangibly pursue righteousness and love?

Read Psalm 128, then spend some time in responsive prayer.

Let’s pray together today. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.

Girlfriends In God 4 August 2022 Devotional | Thursday

Girlfriends In God 4 August 2022 Devotional | Blessings and Prosperity

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