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Bible Verses For New Year 2024 (1st January 2024)

Saturday Night Prayer 8 October 2022 | Bible Verse

by admin


Saturday Night Prayer 8 October 2022 | Bible Verse

Welcome to Night Prayer with Bible Verse and Inspirations for Saturday 8th October 2022. May the good Lord bless and prosper you as you study and pray!


Bible Verse for Night Prayer
And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. – Mark 6:31

Today’s Inspiration
Even Jesus rested, and He encouraged His apostles to rest. He wanted them to take breaks and rest. To take the time to go away and eat. There is nothing wrong with needing rest. God meant for us to take a Sabbath just as He did. He created the world in six days, and He rested on the seventh. You are not greater than God; take a rest.

Night Prayer
Heavenly Father, I will find my rest in You. You are my peace. You are where I find rest. Let me lie peacefully in sleep and work hard when I’m working. Remind me to take rests. Help me to glorify You in my work and my rest. You are the great example, and even You chose to rest. Let me model my life after You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday Night Prayer 8 October 2022 | Bible Verse

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