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Our Daily Bread 6th February 2023 for Monday

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Our Daily Bread 6th February 2023 for Monday

Welcome!!! Read Our Daily Bread Today’s Devotional for Monday. The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the Lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you.

Our Daily Bread Ministries is a Christian organization founded by Dr. Martin De Haan in 1938. It is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with over 600 employees. It produces several devotional publications, including Our Daily Bread.


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Bible in a Year: Exodus 39–40; Matthew 23:23–39

Bible Verse: While Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness. Genesis 39:20–21

Today’s Scripture: Genesis 39:11–22


The book of Genesis shows the contrast between the life of Joseph and the failures of his forefathers. Abraham and Isaac both failed by giving their wives over to foreign powers for selfish reasons (Genesis 12:10–20; 20:1–17; 26:6–16). Judah failed by committing adultery for his own pleasures (ch. 38). But when Joseph was tempted, he remained faithful to God. When Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him, he said, “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (39:9). God would later use faithful Joseph to save Jacob’s family and all Egypt. By: Jed Ostoich


On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped out of their lunar landing module and became the first humans to walk on the surface of the moon. But we don’t often think about the third person on their team, Michael Collins, who was flying the command module for Apollo 11.

After his teammates clambered down the ladder to test the lunar surface, Collins waited alone on the far side of the moon. He was out of touch with Neil, Buzz, and everyone on earth. NASA’s mission control commented, “Not since Adam has any human known such solitude as Mike Collins.”

There are times when we feel completely alone. Imagine, for instance, how Joseph, Jacob’s son, felt when he was taken from Israel to Egypt after his brothers sold him (Genesis 37:23–28). Then he was thrust into further isolation by being thrown in prison on false charges (39:19–20).

How did Joseph survive in prison in a foreign land with no family anywhere nearby? Listen to this: “While Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him” (vv. 20–21). Four times we’re reminded of this comforting truth in Genesis 39.

Do you feel alone or isolated from others? Hold on to the truth of God’s presence, promised by Jesus Himself: “Surely I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). With Jesus as your Savior, you’re never alone. By: Dave Branon

Our Daily Bread 6 February 2023 (Reflection & Prayer)

  • When do you feel most alone? How does God remind you that He’s with you in your times of isolation?
  • Dear heavenly Father, please help me know, as You’ve promised in the Scriptures, that You’re with me as You were with Joseph.
Our Daily Bread 6th February 2023 for Monday

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