Your Daily Prayer

February 18, 2023 Your Daily Prayer For Saturday


February 18, 2023 Your Daily Prayer For Saturday

Praying is such a vital tool for Christians to take hold of the power and strength God wants to give us. Use our daily prayer devotional to focus your mind and heart on the love of God at the beginning of each day and throughout your day.

Welcome to Your Daily Prayer Today – A Prayer for Missional Motherhood. May God bless you as you study and pray.

Bible Verse: “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20 NIV

A Prayer for Missional Motherhood
By Laura Bailey

For most people who grew up in church and even those who are not closely associated with the Christian faith, Matthew 28:18-20 is a familiar passage. We learn that disciples make more disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father and teaching others to obey God’s command.

As a mother, I have often neglected the daily discipleship opportunities in my home because I believed the lie that my gifts, talents, and resources were for more important people or tasks. That the mission field was “out there,” and I was missing out. I deeply desired to go and tell the world, but not my own children.

But nothing is farther from the truth. Our children are our most significant mission field. We are their commanders, preparing them for battle- no greater joy or job is more important than investing in your child’s spiritual growth; it is an issue of eternal life and death.

I saw these words about missional motherhood on a social media post: “Mamas, raising your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is not neglecting your fulfillment to the great commission but rather the opposite, your talents, skills, and educations are not wasted on your family. Your family is your ministry. Do not neglect the disciples God has blessed you with.”

Momma, we have a tremendous opportunity and great responsibility to show, tell, and lead our children to Christ. We can’t secure the outcome; only God can- but we get to be co-laborers with him in the process; how great is that!

Discipling our children is not just a one-and-done thing; it isn’t a checklist but a way of life. Yes, we should work toward a daily prayer and bible reading routine, but a big part of discipling our children is constantly talking to them about God in all situations.

Okay, so you might be sitting there thinking, I have that desire, but what if I say the wrong thing or don’t have all the answers? That’s okay, we can pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us. We can call on our church community to help as we guide and grow our children in Christ. And we can acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and graciously point them to Christ.

Discipleship is challenging work; some days, it will be easier than others. But, “we must not grow weary in doing good ( Galatians 6:9).” Teach your child about God, and help point them to Christ is the most critical work you will do!

Let’s Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the beautiful gift of children. We are so grateful that we can grow children to know and love you. Grant us patience and perseverance as we navigate our children’s questions and address their concerns and confusion about our faith. Please be with us as we strive to make discipleship in our homes a priority. We pray for our church community, family members, and friends that they will walk alongside us as we teach our children about You. Convict our hearts when we have neglected our personal spiritual growth, remembering that, above else, a personal relationship with you is most important. We love you, Lord; help us be good stewards of the lives you’ve entrusted us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read More Daily Devotional Message on DAILYDEVOTIONAL

February 18, 2023 Your Daily Prayer For Saturday

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