Your Daily Prayer

February 24, 2023 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

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February 24, 2023 Your Daily Prayer For Friday

Praying is such a vital tool for Christians to take hold of the power and strength God wants to give us. Use our daily prayer devotional to focus your mind and heart on the love of God at the beginning of each day and throughout your day.

Welcome to Your Daily Prayer Today – A Prayer for Anxious Times. May God bless you as you study and pray.

Bible Verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, ESV).

A Prayer for Anxious Times
By Emily Rose Massey

Growing up, I learned very early on that not much in my life would stay consistent and that the pattern of my life would include a lot of change, and sometimes drastic change. It did not take long for a heart of anxiety to be formed in my life because there was not much in my life that I could run to for security. So as I got older, I ran to other things, other people. I quickly became ensnared by alcohol abuse and did many dangerous things that only served to create glue-strong attachments to other people — things like an adulterous relationship with a married man and countless one-night stands with random men I followed home from the bar. I was constantly anxious and depressed.

But, after I graduated from college, my eyes were truly opened to my selfish, promiscuous existence and my deep desire to find something firm and secure. I hadn’t been to church for years, but one morning I went. During the worship service, God met me in my mess and convicted my heart. Immediately I knew I needed to stop running away from Him and start running toward Him. In that moment, I realized He was the security and peace I was searching for. I told Him I didn’t want to live this life on my own anymore and I repented for my rebellion and unbelief and sin. I knew that all I was searching for could only be found in Jesus. I resolved to stand upon the secure foundation of the Rock, Jesus Christ, who never changes. After that moment, my whole world changed as God began transforming my heart. It was by far the best change I have ever experienced!

You may not have experienced a difficult and often painful change in your life exactly like I did, but I’m sure you have realized that change is inevitable while we are here on this earth. Change is just a part of life. How we handle that change is really where we will discover where our hope and sense of security lie. If change is causing us to worry or stress out, we need not run to other things or people to try to fix our anxiousness. We will always be disappointed, left feeling empty and even more anxious. We must run to God.

Philippians 4:6 tells us that we must not allow anxiety to overwhelm us, but instead, we are to come to God in prayer and cry out to Him with our requests, full of a thankful heart, knowing He hears us. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6, ESV).

Nothing is too small when it comes to our prayers to God; He wants us to come to Him about everything! God not only hears our prayers; He responds with giving us His peace and protection. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, ESV).

God’s peace is like nothing else this world can offer; it is beyond all human logic or reasoning. He promises to protect our hearts and minds when we dwell on our position in Jesus, as forgiven children of God. He is not only the Creator and sustainer of life, but He is our heavenly Father that longs to protect and provide for us.

Instead of allowing worries to drive you to other sources in an attempt to bring relief, make a list of these worries and take them to God in prayer today. He hears every request. You can find peace and rest assured that He is the One who never changes. Even if everything around you feels like shifting sand, remember that Jesus Christ is firm and secure.

Let’s pray: Father God, I am stressed out and overwhelmed. Constant change scares me. I cry out to You, knowing that you care for me and do not want me to find safety in anything else but You. I run to You and look to You to bring a peace that passes all understanding, for You are my fortress and protection against the storms of life. Thank You, Jesus, that You are a firm foundation. In the midst of chaos and troubles, You are constant, and You are unshakable. I do not build my life upon sinking sand, but You, my rock and my redeemer. Thank You for being near to me when I am worried or afraid. I can always lean upon You and trust that You are always working things out for Your glory and for my good. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Read More Daily Devotional Message on DAILYDEVOTIONAL

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