Browsing: Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 2023

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 2023 starting your day right. Sharing Christ – Loving People. Joyce Meyer is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers. She is a New York Times bestselling author, and her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on how the Word of God applies to our everyday lives. Her candid communication style allows her to share openly and practically about her experiences, and helps others understand how to apply biblical principles to their own lives.

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional

Millions of people worldwide get Joyce’s program, Enjoying Everyday Life, through television, radio, and online media outlets. Joyce has authored 130 books, many of which have been translated into 155 languages. More than 37 million of her books have been distributed free of charge around the world, and each year millions of copies are sold. A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Joyce discovered how to overcome the pain of her past and have a life filled with real love, hope, peace, and joy by applying God’s Word to her life, and she desires to help others do the same.