Bishop T.D. Jakes Bible Study 13 October 2021 Wednesday Night – It’ll Work If You Work It! II

Bishop T.D. Jakes Bible Study 13 October 2021 Wednesday Night – It’ll Work If You Work It! II
Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes Wednesday Night Bible Study (October 13th, 2021) May the Lord bless you as you stream this message. Kindly share with other people.
Bishop T.D. Jakes Bible Study 13 October 2021 Wednesday Night
How do you build relationships that maximize your impact? How do you reset your tools and resources so you’re not relying on relics of the past? How do you close the book on who you were so you can focus on whom you will become? Bishop T.D. Jakes continues his seminal series on how to work your way in the world with an insightful panel made up of renowned barber and TV personality Frederick “Sipp” Johnson, music entrepreneur Marcus Dawson, influential Pastor Patrick Winfield II, and business executive Alison Draper Lolley!
Message: “It’ll Work If You Work It! II”
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:19-21 (NIV); 2 Kings 2:7-18 (NIV)
Speakers: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Frederick “Sipp” Johnson, Marcus Dawson, Pastor Patrick Winfield II, Alison Draper Lolley
Date: Oct. 13th, 2021
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