Browsing: Kenneth Copeland 2021

Kenneth Copeland 2021

At Kenneth Copeland Ministries, we take God’s Word as final authority. That’s why for more than 50 years, ever since the Lord told Kenneth Copeland to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice, proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and His unconditional love has been the focus and mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

Over the years, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have delivered to you Bible-based teaching articles about faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption, righteousness, the anointing and the principles of victorious Christian living. KCM has gone around the globe—from Alaska to Australia, from Eastern Europe to Africa, from remote islands in the Pacific to crisscrossing the United States—just to bring you the news that Jesus Is Lord, no matter where you are.

Kenneth Copeland 2021

In 1982 Kenneth Copeland Ministries planted its African office in South Africa. Since then tens of thousands of Partners across Sub-Saharan Africa have learned to apply the Word to their lives, to stand in the authority afforded them through Christ Jesus, to find their unique voice and live in victory. Join us as we take the uncompromised Word of God to every corner of Africa and believe with us to reach more people with the message of Love and Faith.