Prophetic Declaration For Today

Prophetic Declaration for 8th September 2022 Thursday


Prophetic Declaration for 8th September 2022 Thursday

Welcome to Today’s Daily Prophetic Declarations for 8 September 2022. May the Lord bless you as you declare and pray!


Remember: You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. – Job 22:28, NKJV


I decree and declare that I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt because Christ has given me power in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that these signs shall follow me because I believe in Jesus Christ. In His name, I shall they cast out devils; I shall speak with new tongues, I shall take up serpents; and if I drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt me; I shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover in Jesus name.

I decree and declare I carry power. I will not let any force of darkness scare me. Because I am fully submitted to the authority of the Most High God, I am above all principalities and powers in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I will praise the Lord all the days of my life. I sleep and I awake because of his sustenance. Thank You Jesus.

I decree and declare I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Jesus name.

I decree and declare I understand purpose and assignment and I begin to do all God wants me to do in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I lead a peaceful, impactful and meaningful life on earth in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that my day is blessed and filled with loads of benefits daily in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I am heavenly focused. I won’t lose sight of eternity with Jesus in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I achieve great things for God’s kingdom on time in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I work diligently in God’s vineyard here on earth and I win souls in Jesus name.

I decree and declare heaven responds to these prayers and declaration as I say them and I receive answers in Jesus name.

Holy Spirit thank You for the intercessory team, thank You for Your power and presence in their midst, please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic declarations. Help them to continue to communicate Your heart even through these declarations, please continue to inspire them for more prophetic declarations in Jesus’ name.

Thank You Lord for everyone working on this platform. Please Lord, perfect everything that concerns them and make them great in Jesus name.

Thank You Holy Spirit for all the testimonies and miracles coming through these prayers. May they be permanent in Jesus name.

Father, let everybody joining in to say these declarations all over the world experience great miracles throughout this month. May we have numerous testimonies in Jesus name.

Prophetic Declaration for 8th September 2022 Thursday

Prophetic Declaration for 8th September 2022 Thursday

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