Browsing: Prophetic Word For Today

Prophetic Word For Today
The Father says today, I Am God, and I can do anything I want anytime I want and don’t have to check with anyone or ask anyone’s permission whether to bless you or not. There are those that have cursed you with words of unbelief, but I have blessed you with words of power from My throne. They have mouths and have spoken swelling words of hostility, but I haven’t heard them – their false prayers have fallen on deaf ears. I will turn My face from them, and they will melt as wax in the flame as I bring you out of all the depredations and assaults of the enemy into a new land and a new place of favor and blessing beyond that which you have experienced in times past. They struck a blow and said, “ah-ha, ah-ha… now they will fall, and now they will come to ruin….” But I have undergirded you and strengthened you in the hour your warfare was most difficult that you might prevail and come out in honor and victory with your testimony intact.